A Day at the races

Last Sunday my little family and I had a day out at Ascot family fun day.

TwinDad got extremely lucky and won 5 out of the 7 races! Shame we didn’t bet more money…

It was such a great day and it’ll be perfect in a couple of years time when the boys are a bit older. It had so much for young children and it was all free apart from the £15 admission price.The only downfall was that there wasn’t a lot of shade and it was a really hot day. The boys were pretty good considering although their naps were pretty mess up!

There was a large group of us including another two sets of twins! There were plenty of non-parent friends to give the boys lots of cuddles.

The Mummies enjoyed plenty of Veuve and we had a nice picnic in the lawns. TwinDad took the boys down the paddocks to look at the Horses.







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Finger Foods and Baby Led Weaning

My beautiful Bambinos have now hit the six month mark and even though we started a bit of weaning at 4 1/2 months, we’re now on 3 meals a day and I’m so happy that the boys are loving exploring new foods.

I was super scared of BLW, it’s not like I have just one potential choking baby. But I’ve been so surprised at how
brilliant the twinnies have been at their finger foods. Especially as my little lazy monkeys are nowhere near ready to be sitting up ( in fact we’re barley rolling, but hey, they’re chilled on their backs!) Don’t get me wrong, Henry can be a little Toad sometimes and refuse anything I offer him apart from a fruit purée, but most of the time the boys are great with their food.

Breakfast is usually at 7.30am in front of Cebeebies. Usually it’s Wheetabix or Porridge with fruit purée , this morning though we had scrambled egg which was a massive hit.

I offer finger foods in their Mamas and Papas Snug seats at lunchtime which happens between 11.30am and 12pm and everyday the boy’s pincer grip improves and they’re getting more and more in their mouths.

Occasionally they scare me when their eyes start to water and they start coughing and spluttering. I’ve learnt though that a baby’s gag reflex is closer to the front of their mouths, hence the choking sound more frequently. Although this doesn’t stop me from occasionally hooking out pieces of food when I have a panic!



Finger foods the boys have tried (and loved) so far are cucumber, melon, mango, omelette, pasta spirals, fish fingers, toast soldiers, Dairy Lea Triangles, strawberries, and probably loads more I can’t remember…

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The boys are pretty tired by dinner time which is between 4.30pm and 5pm, so dinner tends to be puree’s in their high chair. We bought some brilliant high chairs from Ikea that are so cheap but do the job brilliantly. We also purchased some inflatable inserts to help prop their heads up.


I can’t recommended the Annabel Karmel App enough for puree’s, in fact me and TwinDad use the recipes for ourselves too so making dinners for everyone is so much easier! It comes with a meal planner plus it converts all the ingredients into a shopping list too. Beware of the fish pie though, this
comes back to haunt you in their nappies.

This evening we’ve dined alfresco in the garden 🙂


Fun in Battersea

This week I’ve been super brave and took the Twinnies to see one of my Besties, Lisa who lives in Battersea. I was a lil apprehensive about the car ride as it can be a bit of a mission to get to when you get stuck in bad traffic (which we did) and It’s been super hot but the boys were so well behaved and we had great fun chilling in the park.



Lisa took us to the Prince Albert pub which you might have spotted if you’re a watcher of Made In Chelsea.
We sat in the air conditioned pub and ate sardines and prawn salad for lunch. The boys were so good and I’m getting more confident that they’re not going to cry just because they’re awake!


The boys were pretty pooped after their adventures and slept 6am! Even after plenty of snoozing in the pram


We’re off to Ascot tomorrow, fingers crossed for some winners!


Our week/ This week I’m wearing…


I’m getting a bit slack with my blogging, I just find it hard to fit the hours in the days at the moment. The boys are hitting Their 6 month milestone on Thursday and as they get bigger, the more hectic life gets. This post is about a bit of a mixture of the boys latest outfits boys plus what we’ve been up to the last week. It’s been a bit of a tough one as not only did I have to go back to work for a day this week, my poor Henry has perforated his eardrum from a nasty ear infection :-(. It’s so tough seeing your baby poorly, especially when they can’t tell you what’s wrong. Henry has been an amazing sick baby and hasn’t screamed once, just whimpered and struggled to sleep. We only clicked that he was poorly as he had a temperature and he wasn’t greeting me with his usual gummy smiles in the mornings. Thankfully the antibiotics seemed to have kicked in and he’s a lot chirpier.

Here’s my poorly poppet asleep in his bouncer (which NEVER happens).


Arthur has been his usual inquisitive self and has decided ever since starting solids, milk just doesn’t cut it anymore and so I’m planning to start introducing lunch from this week, so more cooking! I made the Annabel Karmel Fish Pie from her App (also I think its in the cookbook) which was amazing and I couldn’t stop licking the bowl! So next time I’m going to make a massive one for me and TwinDad and just share that with the boys – so much easier than cooking food for them separately. Highly recommend this recipe although watch out for the fishy nappies!

I left the boys with TwinDad Saturday evening for some well needed relaxation at Nirvana spa. I treated myself to a pedicure and got to hang out with two of my besties from Uni. Lisa and Hannah. TwinDad updated me with how the boys were and sent me this pic of bedtime. I think the picture speaks for itself…



This week the boys have been in some of their new Summer gear which we bought way before it was summer. I love this top from Mamas and Papas which we got in the sale for £8. The shorts are part of a two pack from Matalan and of course he’s in his trusty socks.


This picture makes me giggle, I was trying to get Henry to pose after his nap and he was acting a bit crazy with energy. This cute romper is from Gap. As much as I love it, its not appropriate for giving your baby red foods!



My gorgeous Arthur’s eyes have now turned hazel with flecks of blue. This kid seriously needs to do a spot of modelling (or am I a very biased mummy? Probably)His vest is from Next which has poppers over  the nappy. Love this as it stops it riding up! He’s wearing the second pair of shorts in the pack from Matalan and is Boden socks!



This week is another busy one as I’m going to visit the Phyiso about my diastasis recti. I’m planning to blog about this in a future post as it turns out lots of Mummies have this without realising and I think its so important to be aware of this bodyshape-changing condition. I’ve also kick started my arse into gear with a healthy eating plan as it has got to the point where I need to try and shift some post preggo pounds. I may blog about this, lets see how I get on, I may be too ashamed if I fail miserably!


Much Love


My birth story

I so so wanted the birth to be a surprise for everyone. At 26 weeks due to the positioning of the Twinnys I decided (and I was given the choice) to go for an elective C-section.  When you have twins you don’t really have a due date, it’s more of a “due week” or maybe a “due month”. My pregnancy was well known amongst the family from about 5 weeks due to me losing the plot a teensy bit when I found the news. Then by 7 weeks they all knew it was twins. The fact that I had a pretty crappy time in my first/beginning of my second trimester  (more about his on another day) made everyone want the good news that at 20 weeks it was two perfectly thriving boys. Unfortunately my scrambled Baby Brain failed me miserably and after forgetting what snippets of info I’d told whom, it became apparent that I was scheduled to have the Twinnies on the 17th January 2014.

The evening before It felt weird. A mixture of excitement and fear. I was finally about to get my boys that I’d dreamed, pleaded and prayed for for so long yet this scary operation that was about to take place was going to change my life forever.

I didn’t really sleep and my alarm went off at 5.55am so I could have a mammoth drink, my last until after my operation. Myself and TwinDad went out for dinner the night before where I’d stuffed myself with Camembert and rare beef assuming eating this banned food wouldn’t really matter now.

We drove to the hospital at 6.30am in the dark and I waddled from the carpark up to the Day Assessment Unit. We we’re put in a waiting room with three other couples where we scrubbed up and were given the order of events. We were to go second and at 11am we were finally called and we followed the nurse down to the operating theatre.

The room was so bright and a local radio station was playing in the background. I was introduced to the team and had the spinal inserted as I rabbited nervously at the anaesthetist. I was laid down on my back, which is torture for a pregnant woman, and fekt ny body go numb. As I was so massive it didn’t hit my right side straight away so the team had to tilt me so it could run through. Next they got out the razor and that’s when I really did loose my dignity…

When you talk to people who tell you that having a Caesarian is like somebody washing up in your tummy, that is a fib. To me it felt like someone was yanking a baby out of my stomach. It s apretty surreal experience knowing that your lying there awake with your abdomen wide open.

I’ll never ever forget the moment they showed me Henry. This screaming gooey little baby literally took my breath away. It was only at that moment that it hit me that after 9 months of stress and worry, I was finally getting my boys.

2 minutes later out came Arthur feet first, who promptly pee’d all over TwinDad


As I lay on the operating table I vaguely remember alarms going off. Not really paying attention I asked TwinDad what was going on. Playing it cool he told me the machine was broken. It was only a few days later did I find out that Arthur has stopped breathing and they were giving him oxygen to get him going!First out


2 hours oldIt was only when I got into recovery that I finally had my first cuddles. The midwifes told me that I had lost 2 litres of blood and so would need to spend a longer time in recovery. The rest of that afternoon was all a bit of a blur. I fell in and out of sleep inbetween feeding the boys.

By the time I got up to the ward I was starving, tired and delirious from Morphine. They wheeled me into a very public bay and I promptly burst into tears. Where was my private room? Didn’t they know I’d just had TWINS?!

After a lot of fuss, whailing and behaving generally like I was a stroppy teenager, they wheeled me into my own room.

The boys were taken off me when TwinDad  went home for a sleep. I slept well that night, but I missed my babies so much and it killed me that I couldn’t feed them or change their nappies.  The next day I was so jealous of TwinDad doing all of the hard work whilst I was hooked up for two blood transfusions

.charlie with the boysLooking a bit rough

my familyWe ended up staying in hospital for 6 days in total. I did have a minor blip with my bladder (too gory to go into) and the boys developed a nice sun tan (jaundice) but on Thursday 23rd January I finally took my miracle babies home.First day into the world


All in all, I know a lot of Mums-to-be dread a caesarean but its really not that bad and its surprising how quickly your body recovers. Whatever way you have your baby, the way that I see it is that its just a means to an end to get your beautiful end result.


This week I’m wearing…

It’s been hard work trying to capture the twinnies in some of their new clothes these last few weeks as it’s been soooo hot and they’ve enjoyed rolling about in their nappies. A lot of the stuff they’ve been in has been grotty onsies that have some nice orange stains from weaning on sweet potato and carrot! I did manage to capture a few pics of the boys in some of their nice stuff…




I love these rompers, they come in a two pack from Next and are fab for hot days either staying in or going out. We have this in blue too and you may know I’m not mad about matching the boys but I do like them to co-ordinate.


I’m so not a football fan but the Twinnies got into the spirit of things in their England Shirts. These were a bargain from Asda at only £2. Shame they only got one wear out of them as we went out after the match they’re watching….



I love a bit of Next but it can be soooo expensive for babies, especially for Henry as he tends to grow so quickly and it only a gets a couple of wears! This cute stripey top is from Next and has poppers for over the nappy which is great as I hate is when their tops ride up. The shorts are from Matalan which also come in a two pack for £4. I’ve recently discovered Matalan for baby clothes and they are so reasonable and fashionable. Not a fan of baby blue and they have plenty of “little man clothes”

I’ve been really rubbish at blogging and it’s so hard to find the time with two 6 month olds! I keep having ideas pop into my head about what I want to write about so am going to try and get them down on paper this week!

Weekend trip to Bristol

Eek! So I managed to post this post (that sounds weird?!) without evening realising it! So a quick edit and rundown of our weekend away on Bristol.

We stayed in the Aztec hotel and spa just on the outskirts of Bristol. The hotel was nice, I did have a few niggles though. So we arrived and the “family room” we were given was a make-shift conference room with a very uncomfy bed pulled out from the wall . We were also very near the bar which isn’t great when you have two babies in tow. So after very polite chat with reception we got upgraded to a suite – winner!

The other thing that bothered me was that the travel cots given for us to use we’re soooo uncomfy. I had to ask twice for some extra bedding to try and pad them out, the first time they turned up at our door with two towels (?!) and we ended up wrapping a single duvet around the mattress.

Twin Dad’s grandparents had kindly treated the whole family to a short break away for his Grandad’s 80th birthday. We spent most of Saturday lazing around the side of the pool with the Twinnies. They had their very first swim and I’m so pleased as there was no crying! hurrah!

We visited two National Trust houses, Dyrham Park and Tytchfield. I do love a good National Trust and we have family membership which we tend to use on an unplanned day out. We always stick the twinnies in their slings so we can go around the house.I have noticed though since having the boys is that the baby changing facilities are rank! Not very clean and always a very full nappy bin- yuk!

So here are a few pics from our weekend away:













Today I’m wearing…

I think Boots was probably one of the last places I thought about buying baby clothes from for some reason but after returning some unwanted baby shower gifts ( standard- Baby Blue is not the Twinnies thing!) I discovered a massive selection of clothes including the cutest concessions.

This adorable onsie is from a concession called Bows and Arrows
and is perfect for the summer. I bought it ages ago and I’d been waiting for ages for it to fit him so when I finally put the 6-9 months on Henry yesterday it was getting a bit snug- oops!

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This was also bought as a gift which I really like as the colours are bright and I think the pattern is quite patriotic so fitting in with the World Cup theme


And finally the boys rocked their Baby Bowden two pieces at their Spa break in Bristol. Too cute!


Still trying to get my hands on a JoJo Maman Bebe shop, there’s not any close to me where I live 😦 have the catalogues ready to order from though!

Mummy Guilt

As I left the boys with TwinDad I had a major guilt complex. I went off to the hospital to have my weekly Hydrotherapy session to help repair my ripped stomach muscles ( Cheers boys!) and then had planned to see my very pregnant friend Natalie for an hour or two baby free. As I drove off guilt-ridden that I had left the boys with their more than capable Dad on the first day of his Annual Leave, it occurred to me that there are a few things that make me feel so guilty as a Mother, things that a previously baby-free woman would think are the silliest things to worry over. I made a mental list of everything that has stressed me out since having babies and I think these would be top:


Quitting Breast feeding.

When I was pregnant I was desperate to breastfeed the boys. I knew it was more than likely that I’d never have the opportunity again plus I wanted to give them the best start in life. My milk came in easily and the boys latched on well. I didn’t get mastitis, cracked nipples and it didn’t hurt.

I quit after three weeks.

I had to make the decision of getting a teensy bit more sleep and being able
to function a bit better in the day or carry, being emotionally and
physically drained and not to
mention dealing with two tiny twin babies who were very slow feeders on the boob. I felt so guilty. Some mothers really struggle and it had been so easy for me to breastfeed. Plus the boys were no longer getting “the very best”. I still get a pang now of guilt when I see other Mothers freely feeding their babies in the middle of a Baby class where I’m £90 down a month on formula and struggling to get out the bottle from my changing bag for a very hungry baby. But then I’m getting sleep, I’m functioning properly and I’m enjoying my babies.

Leaving my babies

I’m with my babies pretty much 24/7, on call at the slightest whimper. I work
hard for my babies which I accept because as a mummy that’s my job. So why do I feel so guilty to even pop to the shop to pick up some dinner? This is something I’m still dealing with. I went to a wedding a few weeks ago and the boys went off to their Great-Grandparents with TwinDad. As much as I enjoyed a bit of baby-free time with friends I still couldn’t shake feeling guilty about the fact that my husband had to look after the boys for a full weekend without me. And as capable as he is they are such hard work.
I’m also trying to overcome feeling bad when I wave the boys off for a couple of hours with their grandparents. I need to remind myself that they are in fact their grandparents and they want to spend time with them however not always on their terms and when it suits them best. Sometimes I need to have a break and as the boys grandparents and as my parents/in-laws they want to help me.


Using jars instead of homemade food

This weekend we’ve come for a break at a hotel spa with the boys and as we’ve been weaning now for a couple of weeks they expect their food at certain times. I know Supermums wouldn’t dream of baby food out of a jar but to be honest I can’t be arsed faffing about with a blender and a sweet potato in out already cramped hotel room. Anyway, the Ella’s Kitchen stuff is fab and its so easy. I’m sure I haven’t effected the boys growth by giving them something out of a packet for the weekend!

Wishing your baby to sleep

This was worse when the boys were first born as I was so so tired. I loved my babies to death but all I wanted them to do was sleep. It’s not like they did anything exciting when they were awake and as they decided that awake time was in the middle of the night, surely they should sleep in the day? They’d go down in their travel cot in the living room and as soon as I heard a stirring I felt like I was never ready for it and if only they could do half an hour more. but this thought can still linger and even now after a hectic morning all I want is to sit down for an hour. I then would worry that should I be wishing my babies to sleep
when they are clearly wide awake and need stimulating? Of course they’d be happy lying on their play mat for 20 minutes entertaining themselves but you can’t help but feel that you’re missing out on quality bonding time. Again, I have to remember, I have two, I’m do double the work so I am allowed to want to sit down one in a while.


Hating your husband

Tiredness is the most horrendous form of torture and combined with raging post-partum hormones it’s enough to make you have the most irrational thoughts. I love being with my boys but sometimes I get so jealous about the fact that he gets a break from the relentlessness when he goes to work. And of course he’s not having a break, he’s a chef and he works bloody hard! Poor TwinDad really can get it quite often at the moment and he’s usually so easy going he struggles to see where the problem is!


<a href="https://thetwinnydiaries.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/20140608-120346-43426330.

Our week


Arthur practicing his cute poses for his baby modelling

Arthur practicing his cute poses for his baby modelling


This week has been a busy one for me and the boys. The highlight of our week has been Hannah and Lindsay staying with us and then visiting the girls from Uni at Westfield, the boys received lots of fuss!

Bedtime with Aunty Hannie

Bedtime with Aunty Hannie


We went to Westfield to do some browsing and lunched in Byron Burger.




We mooched around the baby shops that are far too expensive for my Statutory Maternity Pay and I ended up treating the boys to a few bits from H&M. Westfield is very child friendly with excellent changing and feeding facilities, although taking 4 month old twins in half term was hard work!

Henry with his Mumma

Henry with his Mumma


The boys were well behaved and napped happily in their pushchair. Henry got to have  a go in the sling with Hannah and charmed fellow shoppers with his big chubby smile.


Arthur had a go in the sling too this week and the boys are nearly there now with their neck strength. Check out the grumpy face!


Another big event this week is that we have introduced small amounts of food to the boys. We have been holding out as long as possible but Henry had become grumpy and restless, plus his feeds had dropped to two hourly again so we made the decision to try him out on some baby mush. He practically took the spoon off it’s handle and is loving everything we offer him so I feel we have definitely made the right decision. I don’t think Henry would have lasted another month and a half! Arthur probably could have but weaning twins separately would have been a nightmare plus he is loving everything we are offering to him too. So far they have had porridge, rice,  mango and banana. Tomorrow they are trying sweet potato.

Loving the highchairs from Ikea

Loving the highchairs from Ikea

Arthur making a mess

Arthur making a mess

Being as fashion conscious as they are, the boys would like introduce a new feature to the blog so “outfit of the week” will be coming soon!

Matchy Matchy in Ted Baker

Matchy Matchy in Ted Baker